The Start of a New Chapter

February 9, 2022

Today is a day that has been over a year in the making.

As you read this, my new website (and rebrand) has launched. A project that has taken months, and has been symbolic of my transformation of myself as a creator and person.

It’s no secret that we’ve all been through the wringer the past two years. And even though we all know this, it’s so hard to not blame ourselves when we don’t accomplish the things we want or have those “ah-ha!” moments on demand. 

I “knew” where I wanted to be in my business frankly when I started. And I was impatient. I wanted my vision to come to life that very moment. But found something within me, deep, was resisting. It wasn’t doubt, it wasn’t fear of failure. It was a feeling I haven’t felt often in my life – the gut instinct to wait. To be patient. To grow slowly and take time.

2022 has barely begun, and I’ve truly seen that some of life’s most beautiful gifts come in their own time. They come to life when they are supposed to. 

Eye of the Dier has grown from an Instagram account I created to push myself creatively and take the leap of faith in photography to an avenue that has led me down a path towards my purpose.

I have never felt the feeling of fulfillment before this past year. And that feeling is what propels me forward now, eager and driven, yet patient and calm. 

I don’t know what this year will bring. But something tells me that my biggest aspirations will come to life, and that feeling of fulfillment will continue to grow.

This is a life I never imagined was possible for me. And I will never take a day for granted. 

Thank you to all who have made the start of this new chapter possible. To sweet Erika, the designer behind The Sparrow Design Co and creator of this website and my new brand, thank you for taking my heart and passion and bringing it to life in art. 

The moment I saw my logo for the first time, my heart soared. It was perfect in every way, and I immediately wanted a canvas of the design in my office. Thank you for taking my words and bringing them to life. You made this next chapter possible. 

And thank you to all of you for taking the time to read my words and join me on this new journey. While the next few months will surely be exciting and eventful, at my core, I will always come back to my purpose – share stories that matter, cultivating community, and making others feel seen. 

Much love,


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  2. Rebekah says:

    You are beautiful inside and out and I’m so happy for you!! Love your brand and your heart!


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